Course Modules
- Implicitly Typed Variable declaration.
- Anonymous type declaration
- Lamda Expression through delegate.
- LINQ and LINQ with Lamda style.
- Introduction of c# and IDE
- Encapsulation,
- Data Hiding,
- Class, Object, Constructor, Properties
- Inheritance
- Polymorphic behavior understanding
Overview of Git and Online Git Repository
Learn structure of ASP NET MVC Core (.NET 6) Project
Learn basic fundamentals of ASP NET MVC Core (.NET 6)
Introduction to design Pattern.
Introduction to Model, View and Controller and their responsibility.
Routing in MVC CORE
Sessions in ASP NET Core (.NET 6)
Custom Tag Helpers in ASP NET Core (.NET 6)
View Components and Partial Views in ASP NET Core
TempData in ASP NET Core (.NET 6)
Repository Pattern to Access Database
Seed Database Migrations
Deploying website on Live Server
Building RESTFUL Services with Web API
Model Validation in ASP.NET MVC CORE
Overview of Git and manage project using Git Repository
- Rules for HTML
- Structure of HTML
- HTML Tag list & Elements.
- Document metadata.
- Content sectioning
- Text content
- Inline text semantics
- Image and multimedia
- Embedded content
- Scripting
- Table content
- Forms
- Obsolete and deprecated elements (This element have been removed from HTML5)
- Examples of non-semantic elements: <div> and <span> - Tells nothing about its content.
- New in HTML5
- JS,Jquery
- Introduction of Controller
- Use of Controller
- Creating and Configuring Models
- Model Binding with View
- Different types of Model
- Entity Framework Core
- What is ORM?
- Introduction to Entity Framework Core
- Code First and Database First Approach
- Concept of DBContext
- Introduction to Scaffolding
- Add Migration and Create Database
- Synchronous vs. Asynchronous code
- Introduction to async and await
- CRUD operation using EF CORE & MVC CORE
Building RESTFUL Services with Web API 2
- Database Terms and Concepts and Introducing SQL Server
- Working with Tables
- Table constraints
- Database relationship and referential constraint
- SQL Server Built-in Functions
- Built-in Functions
- String Functions
- Mathematical Functions
- Date and Time Data Types and Functions
- Conversion Functions
- Table JOIN
- Sub Queries
- Raise Errors, Error Handling, Transaction
- Views
- Stored Procedures
- User-Defined Functions
- Triggers
- Working with XML Data
- Security: Identity Framework, ASP.NET Core Identity
- Integrate Identity Framework and learn how to add more fields to Users
- Interact with Razor class library for Identity
- Integrate Entity Framework Core along with code first migrations
- Authentication and Authorization in ASP NET Core (.NET 6)
- Google and Facebook Authentication/Login
- Role Management in ASP NET Core Identity
- Email notifications
- Cookie Middleware
- Claims-Based Authorization
- Basics
- Components
- DataBindings
- Services
- Component Communication
- Directives
- Routing
- Obervables
- Forms
- Pipes
- Authentications
- Module
Practical Project |
- One Real world project. Like:
- School management
- HR Management
- Hotel Management
- Include following topics in Project
- Clean Architecture
- Repository Pattern
- Dependency Injection
- Implementation of Security
- Integration of Payment Gateway(if needed )
- Deployment on Server and many more.