
How to create User, Role & Assign user to role using Identity framework and MVC Core.

 How to create User, Role & Assign user to role using Identity framework and MVC Core.



 How to create User, Role & Assign user to role using Identity framework and MVC Core.

This article demonstrate how to create user, Role & assign user to role using Identity framework and MVC Core.


In this sample I create a WebAPI Controller - UserManagerController.

SignUp methods of UserManagerController class create user which is provide via UserVM ViewModel class.

To test SignUp methods Run the projects and open Postman. If you have not installed Postman download it from this link https://www.postman.com/downloads/ & installed.

Copy url https://localhost:44317/api/UserManager and paste in Postman and select POST from dropdownlist. Provide a user object like that

{"UserName":"Kamal", "Email":"s@ss.com", "Password":"@Test123" } and hit on SEND button.

You will see Kamal user is created.

To create role Copy and past url https://localhost:44317/api/UserManager/Roles?roleName=Sales . select POST and hit Send button.

To Login and get Token copy and paste https://localhost:44317/api/UserManager/signin and provide login credential like this




After successful login you will get Token to access authorized resources.

If you have any questions, feel free to email .

Full source code download from  here.

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