Overview of .NET Framework

Overview of .NET Framework

Overview of .NET Framework

Introduction, Code compiled Process, Language, Technology

.NET framework Introduction

  • The .NET framework is a software development platform design & developed by Microsoft.
  • The first beta version released in 2000.
  • The first final version released in 2002.
  • Before 2000 there are several programming language for specific platform, like:
  • C++ : Desktop application
  • Java : Mobile
  • PHP : Web application
  • To overcome this problem Microsoft developed one framework for all type of application, that is .NET Framework.

NET help to develop following type of Application

  • Desktop application/Windows application
    • CUI(Character User Interface)
    • GUI(Graphical User Interface)
  • Mobile App
  • Web Application.

Salient Features

  • Platform independent & portable
  • Object Oriented     : Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation e.t.c
  • Less coding & increased reuse of code.
  • Reliability
  • Exception handling
  • Security
  • Memory management
  • Networking
  • Type saftey
  • Language interoperability
  • Deployment

What is .NET and What is framework


NET stands for Network enabled technology .In .NET, (.) Dot refers for Object Oriented and NET refers to Internet.

.NET help us to develop internet based application through Object Oriented concept implementation.


Framework is a software of collection of many integrated small technologies. Which develop application that can be run/executed any where.

What does .NET framework  provide

The .NET framework  provide two things, they are as follows:

  1. BCL(Base class library)
  2. CLR (Common language runtime)

BCL: BCL is a building block of .NET programming. BCL contains predefined classes which are used to develop application. Without BCL we can’t write any code in .NET.

The physical location of BCL is C:\Windows\assembly

CLR: It is the core component of .NET Framework. It’s convert the MSIL(Microsoft Intermediate Language) code into native code then execute.

.NET framework code compiled process

  • 1st compilation :Slow
  • Source code->Language Compiler->MSIL/IL/CIL/Managed code
  • 2nd compilation : Fast
  • MSIL->CLR->Native code.

VB.Net --- VBC  --- CIL

C#.net --- CSC   --- CIL

J#.net   --- JSC     --- CIL

Architecture of CLR

Main Components of CLR

  • Common language Specifications(CLS)
  • Common type system(CTS)
  • Garbage Collection(GC)
  • Just in Time Compiler(JIT)

Languages supported by .NET Framework

  1. .NET supports 30+ languages. Among them 11 are developed by Microsoft. They are given below:  
  • C# .NET
  • F# .NET
  • J# .NET
  • VB .NET
  • C++ .NET
  • Windows PowerShell
  • Iron RUBBY
  • IRON Python
  • ASML(Abstract State Machine language)

What is JIT

  • JIT stands for Just in time compiler. Its a components of CLR, which convert MSIL to native code.

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