Types of Website & necessity of Website

Types of Website & necessity of Website

What is a website?

A website is simply a live and accessible web page or a set of more than one web pages under a single domain name. The domain name act as an address on the Internet. A website is ones identification in the digital world.  Having a website is an opportunity to make a great first impression and give people comfort that you're a real business.

Who all need (or have) a website?

Every business, company and every organization needs a website to establish its presence in today’s online world.

What are the different types of websites?

There are many different types of website depending on purposes and objectives. They are given below:

  1. Business websites: A business website is a website designed to represent the identity of a business on the Internet.
  2. E-commerce sites : An E-Commerce website (an abbreviation of Electronic Commerce website) is one designed and set up to allow customers to make purchases of all a business’s products or services directly online including making payment through an online gateway. This can be done at any time of day or night without requiring a phone call or some other form of direct contact with the business. An eCommerce website is another type of business website. Well-known eCommerce marketplaces include eBay, the Amazon Marketplace and Abebooks.
  3. News sites or portals: A portal website is one that links to a large number of disparate sub-sites or external sites. It is designed, as the name suggests, as a portal or entry point to other content, and will typically try to attract a high volume of traffic by linking to a wide range of interesting content and other features. The best-known portal websites with integral search engines have included Yahoo, AOL and MSN.
  4. Search engines: Search engines are resources serving as keys to finding relevant content on the Internet. These platforms differ from portals in that they do not spoonfeed curated or managerially selected resources to everyone who visits them. Instead, they begin by presenting a blank slate in the form of a search query box into which the user must type text or (in the case of some image search engines) paste a picture.
  5. Blog websites: A blog website is any website that consists solely of a series of chronologically ordered postings by an individual. These will be text-heavy but may include images too.
  6. Portfolio websites / CV websites: Portfolio websites are ones serving as a showcase of the work of artists, writers, craftspeople, designers and others working in creative fields. A CV website (also known in North America as a resumé web site) is a simpler website serving to represent the professional life of an individual by illustrating his or her employment history and qualifications. 
  7. Educational websites: An educational website in its narrowest definition is one representing an educational institution such as a traditional school, college or university. It may also represent a private education provider such as a tutor, or a virtual college offering online and distance-based courses.
  8. Brochure and Catalogue websites: A brochure website is a website designed to display a business’s products and services to view online. It will typically include testimonials, case studies, appropriate images and video.

A catalogue website is different from an eCommerce website in that it does not allow online checkout and payment for goods or services. It is designed to showcase them and induce those browsing to make contact with the business to place an order or request a quotation, depending on what is being offered.
Both catalogue and brochure websites are subsets of business website.

  1. Non-profit websites : A non-profit website is one that represents a not-for-profit organisation such as a medical research charity, an overseas aid charity, or a heritage charity. 
  2. Business directory websites:  A business directory website is one that gathers together data on many different businesses in one place. Such websites have traditionally been useful places to advertise on and have also served as valuable sources of free links to business websites.
  3. Photo-sharing websites: There is a large photography community on the Internet, just as there are many millions of people around the globe who enjoy taking pictures; and as we have explored in a previous article, there are now many websites dedicated to the sharing of photographs, including but not limited to stock photography. Such as https://www.freepik.com/
  4. Personal / autobiographical websites: A personal website is any website that represents the identity of an individual and / or that individual’s family. It may include blog elements but is more than just a blog. It will include static pages with autobiographical sketches and recollections, as well as probably photograph albums, and possibly diary entries or other documents.
  5. Entertainment websites: Entertainment websites are those that are designed to entertain the website user. They include websites based around comedy, and those providing comic strips, works of fiction, music, films and drama series. They also include those allowing users to play online games. Netflix , Spotify , YouTube are  the best-known Entertainment websites.
  6. Wiki websites: A Wiki website is one that is set up to serve as an encyclopaedic presentation of information that can be contributed to and edited by multiple volunteers.
  7. Online community websites: An online community website is any website that is designed to facilitate interaction between individuals sharing a common interest. They may be focused on a particular sport, a particular type of music, a particular pastime, a particular country, a particular town, or any other interest. Community websites typically include one or more forums characterised by message boards on which individuals may post topics and others respond.
  8. Social media websites: A social media website is one that is designed to facilitate social interaction between individuals using the Internet. Facebook, Twitter , LinkedIn, Instagram and Snapchat some social media websites.
  9. Informational websites: Websites that are dedicated to providing information on a particular topic or range of topics but do not directly sell or otherwise provide courses are called informational websites. The most popular may attract funding from advertising revenue, pledges of ongoing support on crowdfunding sites like Patreon, and voluntary one-off donations.

What makes a website important & necessary?

The following subjects makes a website important:

  • Create your identity in the online world
  • Publish and share information
  • Do business activities
  • Specifically, do marketing or selling
  • Reach out to your audience
  • Serve or satisfy your audience
  • Connect and communicate with your audience
  • Build your presence among your audience
  • Build trust among your audience for your business and its products & services
  • Promote and popularize your business, its offering and your products & services.

What are the benefits of a website?

Benefits of having a website comes from the roles it can play and the various uses and advantages it brings for businesses and individuals.

List of seven most important benefits of a website:

1. Benefit of having online presence and identity

2. Build an online profile of your business

3. Makes your business available and online 24 hour

4. Make your business reach to every place

5. Provides the benefit of quick & easy access

6. Unmatched benefit of reaching customers all the time

7. Platform for all online marketing

SO, we can say that a website help us to increase Credibility, Brand awareness, Organic Traffic  ,Leads generation, Updates & Announcements , Digital marketing and many more.

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Learn to design complete website in a practical and step by step method with this  Dynamic Website Development   course from PowersoftIt.


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